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Unlock your full potential and break free from your limitations. Book your free consultation call with Break the Mold Hypnosis today. Your incredible journey awaits!

Welcome to Our Hypnosis Programs

Essential Four

Are you tired of feeling stuck and limited in your personal and professional life? Do you long to break free from old habits and beliefs that hold you back? Look no further! Break the Mold Hypnosis is thrilled to introduce our groundbreaking Essential Four Program.
The Essential Four Program is expertly designed to empower you and help you tap into your full potential. With over a 90% success rate, this is catered to your goals and aspirations!
This program has helped people who struggle with, depression, anxiety, weight issues, past traumas, chronic pain, over stressed, lack of confidence and so much more.                     
If you are ready to be more calm, confident and in control, this is the program for you. Join me today on a hypnosis journey of a more positive, happier, and better you!

Past Life Regression

Unlock the secrets of your soul with Past Life Regression Hypnosis.
Ever wonder why certain patterns and emotions keep recurring in your life? Discover the deep-rooted experiences that shape who you are today, as we transcend the boundaries of time and space. Past life regression is a unique transformation method that delves into the belief that our souls have lived multiple lifetimes. Through hypnosis and deep relaxation, we can access memories or experiences from those past lives.
Ready to embark on a life-changing adventure? Take charge of your destiny with Past Life Regression. Book your session now and embark on a hypnosis journey of self-discovery!

Inner Child Healing

Unlock the magic within with this Inner Child Healing session! In this session, you will have the opportunity to meet with your inner child, and be able to comfort, love, and share wisdom with them. Many of our fears, phobias, and internal struggles can come from our childhood. With me as your guide, we can rediscover innocence, heal emotional wounds, and embrace a renewed sense of playfulness. You also have the opportunity to remember things forgotten as you go through the daily grind of being an adult. Things like old skills, talents, passions may come out by speaking to your inner child!

All sessions can be done in person or via Zoom!

Group Sessions and Workshops

Transform Your Mind with Interactive Hypnosis Workshops!
Discover the fascinating world of hypnosis at our workshops. Designed to embrace diverse themes, each session promises a unique experience. Expect insightful information, jaw-dropping demonstrations, and an unforgettable hypnosis session. Interact, learn, and delve into the power of your mind. Don't miss this chance to ask questions, share experiences, and embark on a transformative journey through hypnosis. Unleash your potential today!

"Suggestions given in a hypnotic state, even once, can produce actions in human beings that are the same type of actions that would have resulted in long-term conditioning and practice."

-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience


“I wasn’t really sure what to expect going into this. The first couple of days after my hypnosis session I could feel myself slowly starting to shed my anxieties and insecurities. After the 2 week mark and repeating my affirmations every night before I go to sleep, I feel WEIGHTLESS and like nothing can stop me from reaching my goals! Brittany is an absolute ANGEL and will guide you through the entire process. Excited to see what the future holds.”

-Caitlyn Morgan

“My group Hypnosis session with Brittany was my first Hypnosis experience, she was a wonderful guide on our journey into the subconscious. With a calming presence and relaxing tone of voice, she provided clear prompts and instruction to the group while keeping track of the states of mind of all 3 of us. It was a very relaxing and eye opening experience that sparked an interest in exploring hypnosis with her more in the future! I would definitely recommend working with Brittany and utilizing her knowledge and skills in hypnosis and beyond!”

-Megan Stewart

“This was my first experience with hypnosis, and Brittany was the perfect person to introduce me to it. She’s extremely professional, well spoken, and genuinely loves what she does. The experience itself was relaxing and very eye opening, and I have every intention to do it again. I would recommend this and Brittany to anyone and everyone. Run don’t walk!!”

-Matthew Wall

“The person who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”



What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a bridge or a doorway into the subconscious mind. It is a focused state of awareness and concentration that helps to achieve a goal. It is similar to meditation, but it always has a purpose or goal. Suggestions given in a hypnotic state, even once, can produce the same results of you practicing long term conditioning. 

What can Hypnosis be used for?

Hypnosis, as cliché as it sounds, can be used for everything! Here are some of the most common things hypnosis is known for successfully helping with:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Weight Loss

  • Sleep Issues

  • Confidence Building

  • Overcoming Fears and Phobias

  • Stress Relief

  • Chronic Pain

  • Accelerating Recovery

  • Working on Past Traumas

  • Learning about Past Lives

  • And so much more!

Will you make me do something with which I am not comfortable?

You still have full control when you are in Hypnosis! If you wouldn't do a cartwheel right now if I asked, you wouldn’t do one in Hypnosis either. Keep in mind that Stage hypnosis, which is real, has the sole purpose of entertainment. Hypnotherapy is about personal growth and transformation!

What will Hypnosis feel like?

You will still be conscious. we are just slowing down your brain to alpha and theta brain waves. These brain waves are something you experience everyday!

My goal is to just get you to a very relaxed and calm state! You might feel heavy or light. You might get tingling in your hands and feet. You also may have some time distortion. The session might feel longer or shorter than it really was. All of these things are completely normal!  

Will you control my mind?

Despite what you see in the movies, I am not the one in control, YOU ARE! All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. As your guide I will be delivering suggestions, but only for your highest good. You also do not have to accept any suggestions given unless you want to accept them.

Still have more Questions? Feel free to call or email me with your additional questions!

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